Tuesday 10 August 2010

New Toy

Okay, so we decided we needed a new camera to do justice to the scenery where we are going, so I managed to get a Canon 350 EOS DSLR from Fleabay, with a 28-90mm lens and 8gb flash card.  It arrived today.

Okay, so it has a few wear marks, but i decided to compare the quality of the picture using the Abbey as a still target.

This first picture was taken using the digi compact camera that we have.  It was set on max zoom, and auto settings.
 We had been fairly happy with the camera.

Now this next one is taken with the 90mm lens, again auto settings from exactly the same vantage point.
I wasn't completely happy with the result, and found that I could play with the shutter speeds, the one above was 1/125, while the next one was 1/1000
I think it gave a much richer photo.

Soon to arrive are a hood and UV Filter, and I'm looking at getting a polarizer too.

Top of my Xmas list is now a 300mm lens!!

Monday 9 August 2010

2 weeks to go

Well, two weeks from now we will have left Ascension and be well on the way to the Islands.....And still I've got a shed load of decorating to do!!!

Oh well!!!